Columbia Department of French

Upcoming Events


We mourn the passing of Maryse Condé (1934-2024), Professor Emerita of French and a celebrated novelist.

Congratulations to Benjamin Olivennes on the successful defense of his doctoral dissertation, A modern antimodern: Yves Bonnefoy's critique of 20th century art!

Professor Dobie was selected as an inaugural recipient of the Division of Humanities Award for Academic Excellence on March 6, 2024. Congratulations!

We congratulate Professor Camille Robcis, winner of the 2024 Frantz Fanon Outstanding Book Award for Disalienation: Politics, Philosophy, and Radical Psychiatry in Postwar France, from The Caribbean Philosophical Association!

Congratulations go out to Laurence Marie for receiving a Villa Albertine and Albertine Foundation Translation award for her book Inventer l'acteur!

Jianna Walker, MA in French candidate, has received the Premio Extraordinario de Fin de Grado Santa Catalina de Alejandría award, given by the University of Oviedo (Principality of Asturias, Spain). Jianna will travel to Spain this October to meet the royal family and to attend the Princess of Asturias Award ceremony. Congratulations!

The Department welcomes these Fall 2023 additions to our graduate student community: Beatrice Chen (New York University);  Juliette Goutierre (Sorbonne-Université, Paris IV); Madeline MacLeod (Stanford University); Renate Mattar (Paris III, la Sorbonne Nouvelle); Samantha Raup (Lycoming College); Max Salata (Yale University); Clarisse Vazquez (University of California San Diego); Jianna Walker (University of Oviedo).

News continued...

Recent Publications

Nostalgie: Histoire d'une émotion mortelle
Nostalgie: Histoire d'une émotion mortelle

Au début du XIXe siècle, on « avait » la nostalgie comme on avait le typhus, et on en mourait souvent. Ce livre raconte l’histoire de cette émotion mortelle, depuis le premier diagnostic posé en 1688 jusqu’à sa disparition à la fin de la Belle Époque.

Book jacket: Le fagot de ma mémoire: De Saint-Louis à New York, itinéraire d'un philosophe musulman
Le fagot de ma mémoire: De Saint-Louis à New York, itinéraire d'un philosophe musulman

The philosopher and professor retraces his life between Saint-Louis-du-Senegal, Ziguinchor, Dakar, Paris, Chicago, New York, places that formed this man of three continents.

book jacket: STOLEN SONG
STOLEN SONG: How the Troubadours Became French
STOLEN SONG: How the Troubadours Became French

Eliza Zingesser's Stolen Song documents the cultural appropriation of troubadour song as French, elaborating a new approach to questions of political and cultural identity.