Carlos Malache Silva

Carlos Malache Silva

Research Interests
Philosophy of History, Financialization, Subaltern Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Decolonization, German Idealism, Frankfurt School, Critical Theory, Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis.

Courses Taught
SPA202 - Intermediate Spanish II, Hunter College (CUNY), Spring 2022, Fall 2022
As a Teaching Assistant:
PHILO101 – Introduction to Philosophy, Hunter College (CUNY), Fall 2022
RLIT102 - Elementary II, Williams College, Spring 2018

Brandom, Robert. La raison en philosophie - Donner vie aux idées. Paris: Éditions Ithaque, 2021

Previous Degrees
BA in Philosophy and German, Williams College, May 2018
École Normale Supérieure - Ulm  (Sélection Internationale 2018)
MA in Contemporary Philosophy, ENS-EHESS, September 2020