A film by Amandine Gay (2017, 122 min.). Screening followed by a Q&A with Amandine Gay, Farah Griffin, and Maboula Soumahoro
Part of the film series "Blackness in French and Francophone Film" organized by the Columbia Maison Française and co-sponsored by the School of the Arts
What does it mean to be a black woman in francophone Europe today? Rather than turning to “expert” sociologists, Afro-feminist filmmaker Amandine Gay renews the art of the interview and lets her subjects speak for themselves: black women with roots in Europe’s colonial history in Africa and the Caribbean. They are Belgian and French, and they speak with intelligence and humour about the experience of discrimination tied to their double, indistinct identity – “woman” and “black” – as they’ve encountered it at work and school, in relationships, in the art world and simply going about their daily lives.
Columbia University co-sponsors of Blackness in French and Francophone Film: Maison Française; School of the Arts; Institute for Research on Women, Gender and Sexuality; Institute for African Studies; Columbia Global Centers/Paris; European Institute; and Society of Fellows/Heyman Center for the Humanities.
Film series presented with support from the Paul LeClerc Centennial Fund, Cultural Services of the French Embassy, la Scam, and the Knapp Family Foundation.