
Pierre Force, selected bibliography

Wealth and Disaster. Atlantic Migrations from a Pyrenean Town in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016 (256 pp.).

Self-Interest before Adam Smith. A Genealogy of Economic Science, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003 (paperback, 2007), “Ideas in Context” series (296 pp.).

Molière ou le Prix des choses. Morale, économie et comédie, Paris: Nathan, 1994, “Le Texte à l’œuvre” series (264 pp.).

Le Problème herméneutique chez Pascal, Paris: Vrin, 1989, "Bibliothèque d’histoire de la philosophie" series (297 pp.).

“Guerre, commerce et migrations dans le premier empire colonial français : approche micro-historique,” La Révolution française. Cahiers de l’Institut d’histoire de la Révolution française 16 (2019)

(with Susan Hoffius) “Negotiating Race and Status in Senegal, Saint Domingue, and South Carolina: Marie-Adélaïde Rossignol and her Descendants,” Early American Studies 16:1 (2018), pp. 124-150.

“Jean-Baptiste Say as a Classical Moralist,” in Economic Analyses in Historical Perspective. Festschrift in honour of Gilbert Faccarello, edited by José Luís Cardoso, Heinz D. Kurz and Philippe Steiner, London: Routledge, 2018, pp. 46-52.

“Rousseau and Smith: On Sympathy as a First Principle,” in Thinking with Rousseau from Machiavelli to Schmitt, edited by Helena Rosenblatt and Paul Schweigert, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp. 115-131.

“Race et citoyenneté dans la carrière et les écrits de Charles Henri d’Estaing (1729-1794),” L’Esprit créateur 56:1 (2016), pp. 68-81.

“The ‘exasperating predecessor:’ Pocock on Gibbon and Voltaire,” Journal of the History of Ideas 77:1 (2016), pp. 129-145.

“Skepticism and Political Economy: Smith, Hume, and Rousseau,” in Skepticism and Political Thought in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, edited by John Christian Laursen and Gianni Paganini, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015, pp. 227-239.

“Croire ou ne pas croire: Voltaire et le pyrrhonisme de l’histoire,” in Érudition et fiction. Troisième rencontre internationale Paul-Zumthor, edited by Eric Méchoulan, Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2014, pp. 57-70.

“Différence temporelle, différence culturelle et style dans les Caractères de La Bruyère,” Dix-septième siècle 258 (2013), pp. 35-44.

“The House on Bayou Road: Atlantic Creole Networks in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries,” Journal of American History 100:1 (2013), pp. 21-45.

“Stratégies matrimoniales et émigration vers l’Amérique au 18e siècle: la maison Berrio de La Bastide Clairence,” Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 68:1 (2013), pp. 77-107 [“Eighteenth-Century Matrimonial Strategies and Emigration to the Americas: The House of Berrio in La Bastide Clairence,” Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (English edition) 68:1 (2013), pp. 75-106].

 “The Teeth of Time: Pierre Hadot on Meaning and Misunderstanding in the History of Ideas”, History and Theory 50:1 (2011).

“Montaigne and the Coherence of Eclecticism”, Journal of the History of Ideas 70:4 (2009) pp. 523-544.

“Voltaire and the Necessity of Modern History”, Modern Intellectual History 6:3 (2009) pp. 457-484.

“First Principles in Translation: the Axiom of Self-Interest from Adam Smith to Jean-Baptiste Say”, History of Political Economy 38:2 (2006) pp. 319-338.

“Innovation as Spiritual Exercise: Montaigne and Pascal”, Journal of the History of Ideas 66:1 (2005) pp. 17-35.

“Pascal and Philosophical Method” in The Cambridge Companion to Pascal, edited by Nicholas Hammond, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 216-234.

“Géométrie, finesse et premiers principes chez Pascal”, Romance Quarterly 50:2 (2003) pp. 121-130.

“Un discours à pratiquer. Louis Marin, Pascal et Port-Royal”, Critique. Revue générale des publications françaises et étrangères 615-616 (August-September 1998) pp. 526-542.

“Beyond Metalanguage: Bathmology” in “After Roland Barthes”, University of Pennsylvania, April 1994, proceedings in Writing the Image after Roland Barthes, edited by Jean-Michel Rabaté, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997, pp. 187-195.

“Peinture et poésie dans le Télémaque de Fénelon”, Op. Cit. Revue de littératures française & comparée 3 (1994) pp. 65-71.

“Invention, disposition et mémoire dans les Pensées de Pascal”, Dix-septième siècle 181 (1993) pp. 701-716.

“Doute métaphysique et vérité romanesque dans La Princesse de Clèves et Zaïde”, Romanic Review 2 (1992) pp. 161-176.

“Figures impossibles”, Poétique 85 (1991) pp. 111-127.