Nadine Kuperty-Tsur

Nadine Kuperty-Tsur

Professor Nadine KUPERTY-TSUR is an Associate Professor at the Department of History at Tel Aviv University (TAU). View: complete CV and publication list.

(2015 - 2023) Head of the French Culture Program, TAU

(2022 - 2025) Director of the Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, TAU

(2020) Chevalière in the Order of the Palmes académiques

Born in Paris, she moved to Israel in 1978 where she studied her BA and MA (summa cum laude) at the French Department of TAU; she wrote her PhD thesis under the supervision of Prof. Jean Céard at the University of Paris X, (Nanterre), published her thesis Se Dire à la Renaissance, Paris, Vrin, 1997.

Her work focused on the literary, historical and cultural dimension of Memoirs, defining the characteristics of this genre in its early occurrences and exploring the categories of the notion of the individual underlying it (Ecriture de soi & Argumentation, 2000). She is also working on the representation of history in Memoirs, particularly those written during the Religious Wars in France (see her edition of Charlotte Duplessis-Mornay’s Memoirs, Paris, Champion, 2010) and on the main authors of the French Renaissance (Rabelais, Marguerite de Navarre, Montaigne, Agrippa d'Aubigné).

She was funded by the Israeli Science Foundation for a research that led to the book L’écriture de la dissidence dans les genres d’Ancien Régime, Dossiers du Grihl (2013, re-edited in 2019). co-edited with Dr. Mathilde Bernard.  Interested in literary criticism, she has edited a volume entitled La Critique au tournant du siècle (2012) but clearly oriented towards early modern France’s cultural history, her current research concentrates on Memoirs as forming the space where a former civil servant elaborates on political administration. She received a Residency grant from the IMéRA (the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Study at Aix-Marseille University) which hosted a colloquium whose papers, she published La Construction de la personne dans l’évènement historique PUAM (2019) with Jérémie Foa and Jean-Raymond Fanlo.

Within the frame of the women’s studies group at the University Gustave Eiffel of Marne-la-Vallée, she extended her work to writing by women in the French Renaissance (Memoirs of Jeanne d’Albret, Marguerite de Valois, and Charlotte Duplessis-Mornay (Albineana 31, 2019).

She is currently working on a book to be published by Garnier on travel stories in Memoirs. In the frame of her election at the editorial commitee of the Dictionnaire des Mémoires d'Ancien Régime under the direction of Prof. Marc Hersant (Paris III) for Garnier Classiques, she writes on many other memoirs and is also an associate member of FIRL-FIRL - Formes et Idées de la Renaissance aux Lumières - EA 174 Sorbonne nouvelle where she will spend the second half of her sabbatical leave.