
Past Event

Film screening: The Lovely Month of May

April 21, 2022
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Buell Hall, 515 W. 116 St., New York, NY 10027 East Gallery

The Lovely Month of May (Le joli mai). A Film by Chris Marker and Pierre Lhomme, 1963, 145 min.

RSVP here.

“A far-reaching meditation on the relationship between individual and society”, Le joli mai is a portrait of Paris and Parisians shot during May 1962. It is a film with several thousand actors including a poet, a student, an owl, a housewife, a stockbroker, a competitive dancer, two lovers, General de Gaulle and several cats. Filmed just after the March ceasefire between France and Algeria, Le joli mai documents Paris during a turning point in French history: the first time since 1939 that France was not involved in any war.

To watch the trailer, please click here

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Maison Francaise